Artisan Wines

Many colleagues today bemoan that we are losing our true winemaking artisans to a kind of oenological 'industrial revolution', where wines are made in labs, by recipe, to satisfy 'target consumers', 'market profiles' and...

When the Levy Breaks

We all go a little mad at this time of year, don’t we? I’ve had enough of being wet through, caught out in yet another deluge. I’ve had enough of getting splattered with mud and...

The Sun also Rises

Whilst Spanish wines have been around from about as long as wine has been consumed in Europe, (sometime between 4,000 & 3,000 BCE), Spain seems to have always had a mixed reputation for the...

El Phnom Penh

  Phnom Penh has taken on a decidedly Latin flavour recently with several new Spanish restaurants and Tapas Bars opening in the capitol and ‘Tapas’ menus even appearing in decidedly non-Spanish venues eager to take...

Aroma Therapy

  The end of Cambodia’s most pleasant of weather seasons has arrived; the ‘Windy Season’, ( as it is known locally) is a delightful time of year where the day temperatures are relatively mild, evening...

Asia Noir

There is no written law that decries you must drink a certain wine with a certain dish or, that wine consumption has to be accompanied by any food at all. There are also no...

Finding Nero

Homer and Virgil sent Odysseus and Aeneas to her island shores; there they encountered harpies, Cyclops, Laestrygonians, sirens and Aeolia, the God of Winds. This is a place where The Gods broker deals with...

Wine Speak

…mintiness with peaches and strawberries …a chocolate smokiness with leathery insinuations …hessian …apes and peacocks …and a faint, elusive yet startling aroma of wine…” - Michael Leunig, cartoonist   Thus describes the bewilderment, exasperation and downright skepticism...

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