Tajima Anima
It is said, Cattle were brought to Japan from China at around the same time as rice cultivation, which was in the second century AD. The cattle were used as work beasts,...
Solea Solea
(The Life of a Common Sole)
The Solea solea species of the Soleidae, (flatfish) family gets its name from the Latin word for sandals. It is sometimes called the Common Sole but, most famously...
“So short our lives, so hard the lessons,
so difficult the tests, so sudden the final victory,
so tenuous the hope of joy that so easily evaporates into fear
– this is what I mean...
Flatiron - The Clothes Iron
Flatiron Meridian Cambodia is a state-of-the-art, integrated development that incorporates prime office space, hospitality, and over 300 units of five-star, serviced residence.
This new Phnom Penh landmark is inspired by...
The Scent of Jasmine & the Goddess of Dance
From great devotion comes great art
Wandering through the halls and pathways of Angkor Wat, taking in the overwhelming magnificence and minute detail of the statues,...
The Charcutiers
There is nothing quite like an extensive charcuterie board, resplendent with all the trimmings and accompanied by a bottle of good wine, in order to excite one with the promise of a deep...
La Chandeleur
"...sprinkled with sugar and eaten hot, they form an exquisite dish. They have a golden hue and are tempting to eat. Thin and transparent like muslin, their edges are trimmed to resemble fine...
A Taste of the Sea
“Oysters are the usual opening to a winter breakfast. Indeed, they are almost indispensable.”
Alexandre Balthazar Laurent Grimod de La Reynière, (1758 – 1837)
The French term terroir is often...