“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
Lao Tzu
After queuing out on the sidewalk for an age, patiently day-dreaming about the magic going on inside, you enter a...
Song Teng estimates that he cooked under eighteen French chefs during his formative years at the Cambodiana Hotel. Some stayed the full one year term, many left a lot sooner, Cambodia in the 1990's...
At night his family would dig a hole in the ground, then they would all climb in and attempt to go to sleep -essential bedding arrangements to avoid stray bullets in the night; “When...
Master Meng
Internationally, Luu Meng is Cambodia’s most recognizable chef and is regularly visited by global celebrity chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and Anthony Bourdaine. Locally, he has earned the respect and admiration of his...
We all go a little mad at this time of year, don’t we?
I’ve had enough of being wet through, caught out in yet another deluge. I’ve had enough of getting splattered with mud and...
Passion is the mob of the man that commits a riot upon his reason.
William Penn
The Common Tiger restaurant in new Phnom Penh dining precinct, Street 294 is anything but common, love stories rarely are.