
Euskaldunak Roaming

Euskaldunak Roaming   “We should try to be the parents of our future rather than the offspring of our past.”                                                                                               Miguel de Unamuno   Iñaki Bolumburu is a chef from the small town of Derio, on...

The Cardinal’s Slipper

The Cardinal’s Slipper Pantoufle du Cardinal   “Wine is the intellectual part of a meal while meat is the material.” Alexandre Dumas   Dumas The name Alexandre Dumas is writ large across French history through the late 18th and the 19th...

Il Mangera le Riche

Il Mangera le Riche - Révolution and Food    Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. Voltaire   Fête Nationale Française, (known as Bastille...

A Dinner with Destiny

A Dinner with Destiny   10,000 Miles, 200 Years, 6 Generations “Some food and wine dinners are all about the pairing, then there are those rare occasions, maybe only a handful of times in a...

All Dressed Up in a Sour Place

All Dressed Up in a Sour Place "Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course." William Shakespeare   The taste of Place The French term Choucroute Garni, means ‘dressed...

The Black Prince and a Hill of Beans

The Black Prince and a Hill of Beans “Cassoulet, like life itself, is not so simple as it seems.” -Paula Wolfert   The Black Prince The prince was born Edward of Woodstock, into the House of Plantagenet and...

The Thursday Angel

The Thursday Angel In the early hours of April, 14th 2022, the angel Keriny Tevi will visit this earth to signal the start of the New Year 2022. Offerings of beans and sesame will...

The Pastry at the End of the Earth

The Pastry at the End of the Earth “It is for others one must learn to do everything; for there lies the secret of happiness.” Jules Verne Jules Gabriel Verne, (1828 to 1905) was an extraordinary novelist,...

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