The No. 22

  A somewhat innocuous looking number the number 22, ‘Two Little Ducks’ as it is known in bingo halls. The Number 22 London bus takes you from Putney Common to Piccadilly Circus and in Pokemon...

The El Carnicero of Phnom Penh

  The country of Uruguay in South America sits on the northern bank of the River Plate, there are four cows, (12 million) to every one person, (3 million) in the country. Uruguayan cattle is...

Foraged Goods

  Forage: verb: (of a person or animal) to search for food. To hunt, search, rummage around, root about, scavenge for provisions. A few decades back, when agriculture began to become industrialized, mechanized, chemically treated and...

Piec ‘n’ Pie

What is a Polish girl with a Master’s Degree in International Economics to do other than head to Cambodia and buy an Australian pie shop? Ewa Jankowska was raised in Warsaw, a city girl with...

Occitanian Masterpiece

An Englishman, A Belgian and an Aussie walk into a French Bistro… Anyone who has read the works of Peter Mayle or admired the aching beauty and incandescent palette of Van Gogh’s paintings around Arles...

Vinos del Norte

The Limari Valley is in the Coquimbo region of Northern Chile, an area more famous for its Piscos than its wines, the valley is one of the most interesting and relatively unheard of wine...

Cattle Run

  As Asia’s emerging economies continue to perform strongly and the sheer number of people classified as middle income earners grows exponentially, their dietary habits and demands change and this in turn has seen a...

A New Bordeaux Order

  Last week Antoine Huray, International Export Manager of the Thiernot wine group conducted a tutored tasting of the Dourthe Group wines from Bordeaux at the Providore store in Cambodia. I was lucky enough to...