Last week Antoine Huray, International Export Manager of the Thiernot wine group conducted a tutored tasting of the Dourthe Group wines from Bordeaux at the Providore store in Cambodia. I was lucky enough to...
After getting hopelessly lost and then mired in a dispute with my tuk tuk driver over the correct pronunciation of words Monireth and Boulevard, (he won) I eventually made it to the little wine...
The ‘Misnomer of the Year’ a friend called it, indeed brunch is supposed to be about sleeping in very late on the weekend and then having a relaxed, decadent and somewhat boozy meal between...
In Kyoto, Japan they have ‘Philosopher’s Walk’ a path lined with cherry trees along the canal that runs between the Buddhist temples of Ginkaku-ji and Nanzen-ji. The walk was used by the influential Japanese...
Phnom Penh, late morning and I have an audience with the ruling monarch of Phnom Penh’s cocktail society, Jen Queen. The café is Feel Good, I get a sense we both come here regularly,...
Mike Wong at Kanji restaurant has been a chef of Japanese cuisine for over twenty five years, learning the many disciplines of Japanese cooking under several masters. Working under such masters is rigorous, “They...
A region famously described by one of the world’s most influential wine writers as ‘obdurate’ and its most renowned winemaker as ‘antediluvian’ has seen generational change of late, as tradition gives way to initiative.
“Eating oyster is like kissing the sea on the lips”
-Léon-Paul Fargue (1876 – 1947)
It seems only a handful of years ago that expats would pine for decent oysters in Phnom Penh; they were literally...